9 Jun 2014

World Environment day 2014

This years' World Environment Day (WED) was celebrated school-wise on 5th June. Malihai Club prepared the day with ngonjera, poem and a speech. It was a remarkable day with beautiful singing, speeches and planting of commemorative trees. The Guest of Honour delivered a speech on the importance of tree planting especially in Mang'ola.

It was announced that the event will calendered and therefore become official school event every year should the school not close by the time it is due.

How to reach Us

Mang'ola Chini
P. O. Box 389
Tel : +255 (0) 27 253 4129
Mob : +255 783 4444 89
Email : annagamazo(dot)school(at)gmail(dot)com
All Correspondence should be addressed to the "Headmistress"